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Strange luminous shapes appeared on this photograph taken in early September 1992 in Kortrijk, Belgium. The UFO like images were captured on film by accident when UFO researcher Oliver DESCHUYMERE wanted to photograph the lights of a passing plane (the little white dash in the centre of the picture).

The orange coloured, diamond-shaped lights (left and right in the upper part of the shot) are lens flares. They are caused by the street lights in the bottom half of the picture (move cursor over image to see how their position is related to the centre of the photo). The white blob close to the diamond-shaped light on the right is a mirror image of the streetlight on the left. Here the reflection occurs in the protective UV filter that was placed on the lens.

The picture was taken with a 45 mm Yashika Electro 35 camera equipped with a fixed Color-Yashinon DX lens and loaded with 400 ASA Kodak film. The exposure time was close to 1 sec.

[© Oliver DESCHUYMERE - photo used with permission, Image-over script by Chris POOLE]