V i s i t o r   r e s p o n s e s 
R e :   

M o n t r e a l   -   N o v e m b e r   7 ,   1 9 9 0

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 Received : 03/03/08  Don LEDGER   

I would like to ask how you have dealt with the problem of these pool lights being underwater, probably to a depth of between 5 or 8 feet.....  read more 

 Received : 04/15/10  M.R.   

In April 2010 CAELESTIA was contacted by M.R., a university student from Montreal who prefers to remain anonymous....  read more 

 Received : 06/21/10  Benoit LAUZON   

First of all, let me compliment you on a very well put website! About the Montréal lights seen on that November night in 1990:.....  read more 

 Received : 07/01/10  Benoit LAUZON   

Thanks for your detailed reply. I had forgotten about the Longue Pointe power failure. If indeed a transformer arced there, it must have been a big one.....  read more 

 Received : 01/12/11  Stéphane TURCOTTE   

While looking for more information about the November 7, 1990 events in Montreal, I found your very interesting web site. .....  read more 

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