A b o u t   t h i s   w e b   s i t e 
 Quality Control

All efforts have been made to make this web site accessible for all users and to comply with the recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium, aiming for WAI AAA conformance level.

All pages are being tested with the excellent Total Validator, the W3C HTML Markup Validation Service, as well as the accessibility test-page of Cynthia Says, pointing out some faults which passed the other tests.

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional        Passed Total Validator        Passed Cynthia Says        Valid Feed

For sake of compatibility the site was tried on Windows Internet Explorer 7.0, Opera 9.63, Mozilla Firefox 3.06,Google Chrome 1.0 and (virtually) on Safari 2.0.4 [service provided by BROWSRcamp].

Internet Explorer     Mozilla Firefox     Google Chrome     Opera     Safari

This site is printer-friendly. The layout of printed pages may however differ slightly from how it appears on screen (Browser dependable, Mozilla Firefox is highly recommended).

Printer Friendly Firefox 2

We like to express our gratitude to Bobby VAN DER SLUIS for his UFO-script, Dynamic Drive for their marquee-script - both used on the entrypage - and Chris POOLE for his Image-over script used in the picture gallery.


Complaints, remarks and suggestions concerning the web site structure and layout can be forwarded to the .

site design by